
365 Days of Gratitude


October 2016

Steel Magnolias

Steel Magnolias was such an amazing film, documenting the value of women’s friendships. These delicate creatures have steel cores, allowing them to keep each other sane in times of chaos and upset. And also, let’s not forget, celebrating joyous occasions and putting smiles on each other’s faces.

This morning, I fell in love all over again with my Brooklyn mamas. We met because our children were born within days, weeks, or months of each other. We kept in touch because we’d become friends. And now, with all of this election chaos, I am so completely in love with them and grateful for their presence in my life, if only on Facebook. They are my rocks and I don’t know where I would be without them.

Communing with our Community

This morning I am so very grateful for the new community we are building for ourselves. Our son’s new school had an amazing harvest festival over the weekend, where I managed the Pumpkin Guessing Table… then last night I got to tell a little girl that she guessed the weight of the pumpkin. Well, I sent a text to her dad. So I didn’t get to see the excitement in her eyes, but I’m pretty good at assuming the best and I do know who she was, because I was manning the table when she came to write out all of her guesses. She was a sweet child and I’m glad she won.

Anyway, during the festival, I got to go out side and enjoy a grilled sausage with friends and also some delicious fresh-squeezed apple cider. No really, they were squeezing it right there in the schoolyard! And also there was a dunk tank. At one point, I commented that it sounded like medieval times over there, the cheer was so loud when one of the teachers was dunked.

The next day, we attended a birthday party with kids from school (in fact, the parents were the same parents with whom I’d enjoyed that sausage the previous night). It was fun to connect with some other parents we haven’t seen since last year.

We also stopped at the library in our neighborhood for new books and to return some that were due. Then we stopped at a little music shop at the end of our street, which happens to have totally affordable recording studios for rent by the hour. And then we played Exploding Kittens together over our pizza dinner and then we hung up some Halloween decorations.

This weekend felt like a huge parental success. And…also a happiness success. I’ve been down. You may have noticed (or not) that I haven’t been around for a few weeks. The blues will do that to you. Well, I’m back. And I had a very happy weekend.

Thank heavens. 🎃❤️🍂🦉🍎🌽🕷

It Takes A Village

Today I am grateful for my village(s). Between the folks helping my son grow to be a fully fledged responsible adult, and the folks I get to work with for, in, and on my business, I am blessed with a very helpful village. It is my hope that I am as helpful to these folks as they are to me. In cases where I can not be, I pledge to pay it forward.

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